Thursday, August 16, 2007

Childhood Memories that hurts 1

Most of us have a lot of memories from our childhood. Happy memories, beautiful pictures from the past. But not all memories are so joyful.
Do you have any memories that really hurts? Something you prefer not to think about?
I have two.
The first one is about my father. I was my fathers princess. He taught me a lot and shared everything with me... Took me places. One day he made fun of me. It took me a while to understand what he did... Then I raged. I was just so dissapointed and angry.
The second memory i want to share with you is somewhat more serious. I think I was five years old. I was certainly not in school yet. Our nearest neighbour had three sons, all of them older than me. We were in a friends' playhouse in the garden. First they were sort of playing doctor with my friend, we were same age. Taking her trousers off , looking down her panties et cetera. I remember she giggled.
Then it was my turn.
The two younger ones held my arms and legs. The eldest one sat between my legs. Then it happened. What I don't want to remember. I think I screamed. And I remember bleeding in the toilet after. I was so scared.
Still, almost 25 years later, I remember. I see him once in a while. I think about it every time. A childs' wounds heals very slowly sometimes.


Eastcoastdweller said...

I don't think a person ever totally heals from such a horrible violation.

I'm sorry for what they did to You, sorry for what is done to thousands of innocent children every year, perhaps every day.

Nadiyya said...

I tried to tell my therapist about this a few years back... she just shrugged her shoulders ans said: Well you know, children are curious...

yeah right....

Eastcoastdweller said...

You gotta be kidding! I hope You never went back to that so-called therapist again.

Nadiyya said...

Nope, didn't... :( But found a great one later though :)