Saturday, January 26, 2008

So Sorry --- so terribly sorry!

I am SO SORRY little boy
Little boy who you once were. I am so terribly sorry, even though I did not know you as a child.
Today you are a beautiful young man, with a black hole where your heart was supposed to be
I have walked to the edge of that hole and tasted the tar.
Once I fell asleep next to you and I woke up sick, from heavy dreams of disaster, and a strong urge to hold you, keep you safe --- and a confusion over the evil of human beings
I AM SO SORRY that they took your humanity away from you. I look into your eyes but I can't find your soul there.
But I can't slay your dragon. Only you can.
Please try.

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Desicion

What a desicion
to make
I feel like a Goddess
and my Divine Husband and I
decide to split the apple
and put the seed
in the ground
And in time
branches will hang
over our heads
heavy with golden apples
because of this
of desicion.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

With bells on

I am not ready am not
but the Universe slams its doors
Little feet over floors at night
whispers Mummy
Mum can I sleep in your bed
But I am not ready
am not!
But the big clock says soon to be twelve Cinderella.
Soon thirty
just don't know it yet
lady with pram wanders by
creek creek
And along sings
my ovaries somewhere inside
with bells on
But christmas is over.